The Sensory Stars is a scheme that allows children and young people with hearing and / or visual impairment to meet with other similar children to enable them to meet and socialise with children similar to themselves. It also allows parents and carers of very young sensory impaired children to meet other parents.

The majority of sensory impaired pupils attend mainstream schools and are often the only SI pupil in their school. These opportunities help them develop their social and emotional awareness of their identity as a sensory impaired young person.

The scheme is organised, managed and staffed by service staff outside of working hours (evenings and weekends). The scheme relies on fund raising as all events are provided free of charge to families. The scheme offers three events per term for the following age ranges :-

- 0 – 4 years
- 5 – 10 years
- 11 years +
The scheme is extremely popular with a total of 96 sensory impaired pupils and their families having enjoyed the activities during 2018-19.

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